Even organizations without an immediate need for a consulting project may want expert advice and to know that expert help is available quickly if needed. ProAct Safety has support contracts with a number of organizations with such needs. Support contracts are flexible agreements designed to meet current needs as well as contingent future needs that could arise. Support contracts often include some or all of the following components:
- Monthly Phone Contact
- Email Response to Inquiries
- Review of New Policies, Rules or Programs
- Analysis of Data
- Discussion of Trends, Emerging Issues or Events
- Advice on Organizational Issues
- In-Person Consultant Visits
- Readiness to Respond to Immediate Needs
Regularly reviewing your organization's performance, progress and issues with an expert can be an excellent way to gain reality checks and ensure you are on track to meet desired improvement goals. Knowing that expert help is on stand-by can also provide peace of mind and readiness to meet new challenges. Below are some unique ways in which we have helped other clients: