Safety has suffered from a reliance on lagging indicators. For many years, organizations have simply measured their "failure rates" and the associated costs. These metrics have encouraged reactive management tactics that are limited in their effectiveness. They have also created a barrier to excellence -- as accidents decrease, accident data loses its statistical significance and no longer tells an organization accurately how to improve.
The balanced-scorecard approach helps organizations to measure safety three other ways and build the association between these metrics and accident data. This multiple-metric for safety helps organizations to determine the effectiveness of safety initiatives (such as training, meetings, committees, etc.) and develops a "cause-and effect" mentality to help better manage the programs and activities that impact safety.
The scorecard is customized for each organization in a one-day workshop with a ProAct Safety® consultant. In addition to determining what to measure and how to measure it, the consultant can also refer the organization to software suppliers or help to define functionality for internal IT departments to begin to handle the data from the scorecard in an efficient and usable format.
"I just wanted to send along this note to say thank you for such a fantastic kick off to our virtual symposium on metrics! I though it covered a lot of great content, brought up some new ideas and sparked some excellent questions at the end!"
Dan McNiell, Manager Education Development, ASSE
"It was a most stimulating workshop, well paced and required a lot of participation of the attendees in small groups. Very effect. Highly recommend this workshop. Too bad it was only one day."
Attendee, ASSE's Safety2012 PDC
"Terry Mathis was helpful. This is a good value for ASSE members. I would recommend this course as it has some pro-active, leading indicator ideas which are sorely needed."
Mark Mitchell, Alaska Railroad
"Good ideas on new ways to measure safety successes."