Behavior-Based Safety and STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence

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Behavior-Based Safety and STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence

Behavior-Based Safety and STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence

Price: $204.00
Description: Duration 72 minutes

This DVD recording of the opening session from our 12th Annual Behavior-Based Safety Conference paints the big picture of what safety culture is and how BBS plays a critical role in helping drive the culture toward excellent performance. Every time your observers ask why a precaution was not taken, you discover how culture influences behavior. All the influences on safe behaviors (perceptions, habits, obstacles and barriers) have roots in your safety culture. Learn how to systematically address those cultural influences in a proactive way rather than reacting to them when they drive risks. Take your BBS process to a whole new level with this breakthrough technology as you follow the roadmap to safety culture excellence, one STEP (Strategic Target for Excellent Performance) at a time.

This product is no longer available. Please see our current Behavior-Based Safety and Safety Excellence webinar series.