Safety Excellence Webinar Series 1

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Safety Excellence Webinar Series 1

Safety Excellence Webinar Series 1

Price: $0.00

Includes the following previously recorded webinars:

  1. A Proven Framework for Safety Culture Assessments

    Cultures are most commonly defined as common practices, shared attitudes, and perceptions that influence behavioral choices at work and away. Experience has taught us that several things influence a culture, such as location, leadership, supervisory styles, peer pressure, workplace conditions, and logistics, to name a few.

    Assessing the safety culture often provides valuable, actionable insight to those serious about achieving and sustaining safety excellence. Through a coordinated assessment process, a safety culture can be measured, managed, transformed and sustained. After gaining a better understanding of the assessment's significant findings, the critical few findings that have the potential for the greatest transformational impact on improving the site's safety culture are identified, prioritized, and addressed. This webinar provides a framework, guiding you through an approach that has proven successful in over 1,000 locations around the world.

    The contents contained on this DVD are proprietary and copyrighted. The purchasing company is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement for internal use only. The contents may not be used, changed, incorporated into derivative works or shared with any outside parties. The contents may not be duplicated or distributed by electronic media. Violation of any of the proceeding terms will terminate the license agreement.

  2. 90 Minutes to Safety Culture Excellence

    Great organizations will reach an important realization: safety excellence is business excellence. Having a desire for such a reality is step one. Knowing where to focus your energy, step two. Internalizing the capability to achieve and repeat the results is the final step. Improving safety culture requires strategically prioritizing effort that accomplishes measurable objectives. Safety cultures can be measured and improved, but not without a clear and concise strategy. Full of case studies and based on the strategic methodology outlined in the book he coauthored, STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence, the pioneer of Safety Culture Excellence® podcasting will share key focus points from 1000 hours of recorded podcasts over 2000 global projects.

    The contents contained on this DVD are proprietary and copyrighted. The purchasing company is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement for internal use only. The contents may not be used, changed, incorporated into derivative works or shared with any outside parties. The contents may not be duplicated or distributed by electronic media. Violation of any of the proceeding terms will terminate the license agreement.

  3. STEPS: Shaping the Future of Safety Excellence

    Much has been written about the need for safety to be integrated into business thinking for safety to become the way of business and a core value rather than priority. Not enough attention is placed on the need for business practices to be integrated into safety thinking.

    Safety is not simple. It is more than rule-following, common-sense and paying attention. Safety is influenced by culture, systems, leadership styles, history, economy, locations, etc. One of the most significant differentiators of successful organizations in safety is the way safety is strategically managed.

    For excellence in any operational category to be recognized, it is imperative employees make decisions and behave in alignment with the intended strategic direction. Safety is not a standalone strategy within a business; it must be an integral part of the overall operational plan. How clear is your strategic direction and how well can employees easily see the role safety plays within it?

    Without strategy, is the recognition of new safety results more than luck? Is the inability to improve because of the intervention or other influences? Everyone wants excellence in safety performance and safety culture, yet often forgets excellence is not just about results. Rather, it is the confidence and ability to articulate why great results were achieved and the knowledge of how to repeat and advance year after year.

  4. Integrating Lean and Safety - Myths and Practical Strategies

    If your organization has embraced lean technology and you have not adapted your safety programs to match, this webinar is for you.  Learn how to apply the basic lean principles to your safety improvement efforts and gain the synergy and momentum of having safety aligned with the way you approach production excellence.  Also reap the benefits of making safety efforts more efficient and effective by removing wasted effort.

    The contents contained on this DVD are proprietary and copyrighted. The purchasing company is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement for internal use only. The contents may not be used, changed, incorporated into derivative works or shared with any outside parties. The contents may not be duplicated or distributed by electronic media. Violation of any of the proceeding terms will terminate the license agreement.

  5. Zero Incident Goals Create Risk-Taking Cultures: Learn to Measure What Matters

    Zero incident programs and goals are the desires of average safety cultures, not excellently-performing ones. Organizations that have achieved sustainability of excellent results in culture and performance define, measure and motivate what they want, rather than what they don't. Is health the absence of visible disease? If you never receive a check-up by a physician, yet you feel good and nothing appears to be wrong, have you reached your health goals and feel confident you will live a long life with this approach? This session clearly outlines the difference and provides a framework to achieve sustainability, the biggest differentiator.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Challenge the current thinking of safety goals with concrete examples
    • Review the impact this skewed goal-thinking has on organizational performance, behaviors and results
    • Share examples of Balanced Scorecards for Safety Excellence
    • Share examples of Transformational Performance Measurement Systems
    • Provide tools and techniques to redefine more appropriate goals in safety
    • Learn development opportunities to measure what organizations want, rather than what they do not

    The contents contained on this DVD are proprietary and copyrighted. The purchasing company is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement for internal use only. The contents may not be used, changed, incorporated into derivative works or shared with any outside parties. The contents may not be duplicated or distributed by electronic media. Violation of any of the proceeding terms will terminate the license agreement.

Purchase of this webinar recording acknowledges the following terms:

  1. Access to this webinar is limited to the individual who made the purchase and, if applicable, their company of employment.
  2. All visual models may not be reproduced without express permission from ProAct Safety.
  3. This webinar contains proprietary information owned by ProAct Safety, Inc. and access to this recording is on the condition that it will not be copied, modified, reproduced, or distributed in any medium whatsoever.

This product is no longer available. Please see our current Behavior-Based Safety and Safety Excellence webinar series.