November 8 2016: Measuring BBS - The Perfect Leading Indicator for Process Health

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<!--2016-11-08-->November 8 2016: Measuring BBS - The Perfect Leading Indicator for Process Health

November 8 2016: Measuring BBS - The Perfect Leading Indicator for Process Health

Price: $150.00
Description: 60-minute: 14 day on-demand viewing
What is most important to measure with BBS processes? There are both process and results indicators in BBS, and both need to be understood and managed. But, there is a single Key Performance Indicator that allows for better management of both the process and results of BBS, and it isn't the number of observations. This webinar outlines the five vital indicators of a healthy, effective and efficient BBS process.

BEHAVIOR-BASED SAFETY Webinar Series 1 Year subscription

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This product is no longer available. Please see our current Behavior-Based Safety and Safety Excellence webinar series.