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Lean Behavior-Based Safety ® - Management Overview
"When the leaders don't lead, the followers don't follow." This is especially true in safety. Individuals in a leadership position must understand how and why this process works and learn the implementation and sustainability principles that lead to BBS success and failure.
This video will address:
- How BBS compliments traditional safety
- The difference between Traditional safety and BBS
- How BBS address influencers not just the behaviors
- The four components of Lean BBS
- What is involved in Lean BBS
- What BBS is
- The advantages of the Lean BBS approach
- How Lean BBS differs from typical behavioral approaches
- How the BBS process works
- How the process is implemented
- The role of those involved with the process
- How the process determines organizational readiness
- The implementation options for your customized process
- Opportunities to make an existing process lean
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