Assessing & Developing Your Safety Culture

Contact us to schedule a private event.


After an accident or near-miss, it is likely you have heard, "We need to improve our safety culture." The problem is a 'safety culture' isn't something you can just pick up like a new batch of hard hats or ear plugs. It's something that runs deeply through your organization at all levels - something that goes beyond mere lip service and inspirational 'Safety First' posters. So how do you go about transforming a true culture of safety at your workplace? In this workshop you'll learn how.

Improvement efforts are consistently more successful if they begin from a known starting point. The purpose of an assessment is to determine that starting point, while exploring feasibility, identifying barriers, and determining optional paths forward. The purpose of the assessment is to identify the very specific opportunities to further the safety culture and continuously improve safety results and performance.

This intensive workshop will enable participants to create a customized plan to assess for site and/or organizational safety culture improvement opportunities. Common myths about safety culture will be dispelled and a good working definition will be developed to empower understanding and customization. Assessment methodologies will be discussed and compared, and each participant will understand how to best determine cultural strengths and improvement opportunities. Based on the assessment findings, plans will be formulated to find the most practical and effective strategies to build on cultural strengths and address weaknesses. Opportunities will be investigated to utilize other site improvement initiatives to aid in the cultural improvement plans. All plans will conclude with measurement strategies to ensure long-term change viability and early identification of problems.


  • Define the true nature and characteristics of safety culture
  • Customize your own perception survey
  • Administer your own survey and calculate the findings
  • Conduct individual and group interviews
  • Know where to start and what tools should be used to assess culture
  • Identify the weaknesses and strengths within your safety culture
  • Examine the trust between workers, union, supervisors and management
  • Examine what is or is not working in your current safety efforts
  • Identify what the workers/ union will or will not support
  • Identify the formal/ effective communication strategies to facilitate change
  • Report on the findings in a way that aligns everyone for the improvement
  • Minimize the perception of change, thus minimizing the resistance
  • Implement improvement through collaboration
  • Develop meaningful metrics for cultural change